V1687 CYGNI (WR 140)


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  • #149230

      • Super Nova

      Nyt observationsprojekt

      Dr. Noel Richardson (University of Toledo) and colleagues have requested

      assistance in optical monitoring of the bright, colliding-winds binary V1687

      Cyg as part of their multi-wavelength campaign on this system.

      Dr. Richardson writes: “WR 140 (HD 193793)…is a long-period (P~8yr),

      highly eccentric (e=0.8964) system with a carbon-rich Wolf-Rayet star and an

      O star in the orbit. Both stars lose mass, which collides, and the density

      at the collision point is much higher around the periastron passage, which

      should occur on 2016 Dec 18. In the months just after periastron, the system

      creates a large amount of dust. Our team will be monitoring the system in

      the X-rays with XMM, NuSTAR, and Swift, in the optical with spectroscopy and

      spectropolarimetry, and in the infrared with Gemini-N, along with other

      telescopes still being proposed for, including Keck and the CHARA Array to

      image the dust production.

      “We were hoping for assistance with optical photometry. Some other

      dust-producing WR+O binaries show dramatic increases in the infrared, while

      getting much fainter in the optical. In particular, if observers are set-up

      with U and/or B band filters, the decrease could be drastic. Unfortunately,

      the star is well-situated in Cygnus, and the possible drop-off in optical

      flux (particularly in the blue) would occur in the January-April 2017 time

      frame. We hope that the observers could start monitoring the star [now] in

      order to best gauge the variations and flux level now, and monitor it until

      next summer, trying to get the observations even in the months that are most

      difficult (January-March) so that we can better determine the properties of

      the dust production. This is the only dust-producing Wolf-Rayet binary with

      a fully resolved orbit (both spectroscopically and with interferometry), so

      all constraints we can place on the dust will allow us to better constrain

      the process of dust production in these systems.”

      Observers are requested to obtain one set of UBVRI (or as many of these

      filters as you have) photometry each night, starting now and continuing

      until at least August 2017. Exposures should be long enough to obtain a good

      S/N, but the target is bright so be careful not to saturate. The most recent

      data in the AAVSO International Database are visual observations from May

      2014, at which time V1687 Cyg was visual magnitude 6.7.

      Dr. Richardson continues, “There are observed dips in the light curve after

      the periastron passage that get to be ~20% deep in U, and a bit less at

      longer wavelengths (peaks in the infrared). The dips are caused by

      occultations of dust, and we do not know if the optical dips are repeatable.

      Coordinates (2000.0): R.A. 20 20 27.98 Dec. +43 51 16.3

      Charts: Charts with a comparison star sequence for V1687 Cyg may be created

      using the AAVSO Variable Star Plotter (VSP) at https://www.aavso.org/vsp.

      Please submit observations to the AAVSO International Database using the

      name V1687 CYG and also report to Gary Poyner monthly.


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