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  • #102969

      • Super Nova

      As some of you heard at the section meeting in March, in Oxford we’ve been

      building a new website for enabling deep sky survey astronomy by the

      general public. “Space Warps” launched today, and we have several thousand

      volunteers inspecting images from the CFHTLS, looking for gravitational

      lenses 🙂

      You can join in at:

      It would be great to see you there! In particular, if you click on

      “Discuss”, you’ll be taken through to – and its

      here that the BAA members can really help. As the project goes on, the

      discussion will grow until it is the main activity on the site – we’ll need

      to sift through the candidates found on the main interface, and have

      sensible scientific debates over some of the more difficult objects. Your

      expertise could be invaluable.

      Hope to see you soon – happy hunting! 🙂


      Dr. Phil Marshall

      Department of Physics (Astrophysics)

      University of Oxford,

      Denys Wilkinson Building, Room 532E (BIPAC)

      Keble Road, Phone: +44 1865 273345

      Oxford, OX1 3RH


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