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- Dette emne har 218 svar og 27 stemmer, og blev senest opdateret for 8 Är, 1 mÄned siden af mikael_joe. This post has been viewed 7397 times
19. november 2014 kl. 19:55 #124718
JuliusDeltager- Nova
“Although the ovens worked correctly, the scientists do not yet know how
much â if any â material was actually delivered to the ovens by SD2, or
whether the instruments sampled dust or gas that entered the chamber
during the touchdown.”
http://blogs.esa.int/rosetta/2014/11/19/did-philae-drill-the-comet/MrJulius 2014-11-19 18:55:43 29. november 2014 kl. 15:34 #125209
Torben TaustrupAdmin- Neutron star
67P – P for potato
67P er kartoffelformet
Jeg fik lige reddet den inden den blev skrÊllet. EfterfÞlgende er den indgÄet som en af
1ngredienserne i en gryde skipperlabskovs.TOC Observatory - "http://tocobs.org -14.5âł â f:4,2 Newt - Atik383 - ZWO2600-mono â SXV H9 - QHY8L-color - SkyWatcher 80 mm ED refraktor - 60 mm F:6 apocromat - TAL Apolar 125 f : 7,5.
29. november 2014 kl. 19:05 #125218
edbbobDeltager- Super Nova
Har du spist den?!? Hva sÄ med Phil?
29. november 2014 kl. 20:02 #125220
Torben TaustrupAdmin- Neutron star
Ups! Den havde jeg sgu ikke tÊnkt pÄ
Jeg melder lige tilbage, hvis den pÄ et senere tidspunkt skulle have sat sig fast mellem et par
tĂŠnder. Det er nok det sted, hvor Solen skinner mindst.TOC Observatory - "http://tocobs.org -14.5âł â f:4,2 Newt - Atik383 - ZWO2600-mono â SXV H9 - QHY8L-color - SkyWatcher 80 mm ED refraktor - 60 mm F:6 apocromat - TAL Apolar 125 f : 7,5.
11. december 2014 kl. 00:34 #125608
nightskyDeltager- Neutron star
Det kan man da bestemt kalde et spÊndende resultat. Vand pÄ jorden kommer i hvert fald
ikke fra kometer som 67P/ChuryumovâGerasimenko, og mĂ„ske slet ikke fra kometer overhovedet.http://blogs.esa.int/rosetta/2014/12/10/rosetta-fuels-debate-on-origin-of-earths-oceans/
14. december 2014 kl. 16:26 #125757
nightskyDeltager- Neutron star
FĂžrste farvebillede (RGB) af 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenk.
Den er grÄ, nÊsten lige sÄ sort som kul. RÞdt lys reflekteres en lille smule mere end andre
farver, da stĂžrrelsen af overfladepartiklerne er lille. Iflg. pressemeddelelsen er det noget man
ogsÄ ser andre steder i solsystemet.RGB billedet afslÞrer ogsÄ at der ikke er is pÄ overfladen, fordi man ikke ser Þget reflektion i
det blÄ filter.Til info:
OSIRIS to kameraer
Narrow – 250 til 1000nm
Wide – 240 til 720nmSuper spĂŠndende PDF om kameraet, filter .m.m
http://pdssbn.astro.umd.edu/holdings/ro-a-osiwac-3-ast1-steinsflyby-v1.4/document/osiris_ssr/osiris_ssr.pdfNarrow filter opsĂŠtning:
8x Neutral 640 520 Passes only 5% of light (neutral density filter)
3x NFP-Vis 600 >600 Refocusing lens for near-field imaging
2x FFP-Vis 600 600 Refocusing lens for near-field imaging
1x FFP-UV 600 >600 Clear filter for far-field imaging with wheel 2 filters
x1 FFP-IR 600 >600 Clear filter for far-field imaging with wheel 1 filters
x5 Far-UV 269.3 53.6 Surface spectral reflectance
x6 Near-UV 360.0 51.1 Surface spectral reflectance
x4 Blue 480.7 74.9 Surface spectral reflectance
x3 Green 535.7 62.4 Surface spectral reflectance
x2 Orange 649.2 84.5 Surface spectral reflectance
x7 Hydra 701.2 22.2 Water of hydration band
x8 Red 743.7 64.1 Surface spectral reflectance
5x Ortho 805.3 40.5 Orthopyroxene
4x Near-IR 882.1 65.9 Surface spectral reflectance
6x Fe2O3 931.9 34.9 Iron-bearing minerals
7x IR 989.3 38.2 IR surface reflectanceWide filter opsĂŠtning:
1x Empty — — Empty position for use with wheel 2
x1 Empty — — Empty position for use with wheel 1
3x UV245 246.2 14.1 Continuum surface spectral reflectance
4x CS 259.0 5.6 CS gas emission
5x UV295 295.9 10.9 Continuum for OH
6x OH-WAC 309.7 4.1 OH emission near nucleus
7x UV325 325.8 10.7 Continuum for OH, surface spectral reflectance
8x NH 335.9 4.1 NH gas emission
x3 UV375 375.6 9.8 Continuum for CN, surface spectral reflectance
x4 CN 388.4 5.2 CN gas emission
2x Green 537.2 63.7 Dust continuum
x5 NH2 572.1 11.5 NH2 gas emission
x6 Na 590.7 4.7 Sodium gas emission
x8 VIS610 612.6 9.8 Continuum for OI, surface spectral reflectance
x7 OI 631.6 4.0 O gas emission for dissociation of H2O
x2 Red 629.8 156.8 Broadband filter for nucleus and asteroid detection
and redundancy with NACDer er et par filtre jeg kunne Ăžnske mig til teleskopet:
F.eks. x7 Hydra 701,2 – Ortho 5x 805,3 – x4 CN 388,4 m.fl. man kan sikkert fĂ„ en del sjov af disse.Nightsky 2014-12-14 15:30:59 23. december 2014 kl. 16:25 #126140
Torben TaustrupAdmin- Neutron star
Seneste billede af 67P – selvom vi er nogle, som ikke er helt enige i APODs valg – dette er sĂ„ ok.
TOC Observatory - "http://tocobs.org -14.5âł â f:4,2 Newt - Atik383 - ZWO2600-mono â SXV H9 - QHY8L-color - SkyWatcher 80 mm ED refraktor - 60 mm F:6 apocromat - TAL Apolar 125 f : 7,5.
23. december 2014 kl. 17:08 #126142
edbbobDeltager- Super Nova
Hold da op! Det billede er hele turen, de nedbidte negle og alle penge vĂŠrd!
23. december 2014 kl. 20:04 #126145
nightskyDeltager- Neutron star
Masser af nyt efter sidste uges AGU konference.
Pressekonference (1 time)
Desuden er der masser af ballede med OSIRIS science teamet. Tilsyneladende har der
vĂŠret massive problemer med instrumentet og af underlige grunde vil man ikke offentliggĂžre
de billeder man har. Som de eneste fik de stoppet streaming af billederne fra AUG mĂždet.
Ă benbart er der stadig vidensskabsfolk i Europa som mener befolkning (dem der betaler) ikke
er gode nok til at fÄ data. De gamle dage fra ESA findes stadig.Hvis man lÊser nedenstÄende kommentar (der er masser af guf), er man ikke i tvivl om at der
er masser af data som den forstokkede europĂŠiske holdning til offentliggĂžrelse holdes tilbage.
Der burde indfĂžres samme regler som i USA, fri adgang til da for alle.Having seen all the presentations that were actually shown, four are
still not viewable and
one was cancelled, I thought I would outline the
key things that were common conclusions.
A lot of results just defined
boundaries or the range of results and some did not match
models or experimental data closely enough to give exact conclusions.
The majority
of the Philae reports amounted to a list of what data was
collected and how they might be
able to use it.The Northern “Duckiesphere” currently in Summer is way more active
than the “Dark Side”.
The detection of metal ions like Sodium,
Magnesium, Zinc, Iron is limited to nighttime
observations and is
thought to be due to sputtering from the Solar Wind and Cosmic Rays.They are not seen during the day, because cometary activity produces a
coma containing
gas, ions, charged particles and dust that physically
and magnetically shields the surface
from the Solar Wind.Activity is directly correlated to the amount of sunlight incident on
a surface, but the neck
areas and the north polar plain are more active
than the head and body lobes due to a
thinner layer of insulation.
These more active areas contain fewer organics. The majority of
surface layer away from the active regions contains between 5 and 7%
material, with the highest amounts on the sides of the lobes
where there is a lot more
exposed solid material. The nature of the
organics is still not known, one fit to the data
suggests a mixture of a
neutral black material with 99.5% Tholins and 0.5% Water. Anotherresult suggests that it is not all Tholins and is likely a mixture of
Carbon, Tholins, Low Iron
content silicate minerals and various
Sulphides.The consensus seems to be that in the flatter plains where the
surface appears to be
covered in a dust blanket, like at the first
touchdown point, there is a top ice free layer of
friable, porous,
gravel and dust about 1cm thick made up of low iron minerals, silicates,organics and Carbon. Below that the material starts to contain volatile
ices, the amount
increasing with depth. This mixed ice/dust/organics
layer varies, but is estimated to be 10
to 20cm normally, but may vary.
Beneath this is a hard layer of sintered ice/dust/organics,
although hard is also brittle as evidenced by the shards seen in the
ROLIS images.Sulphur is present in significant amounts and is usually found in the
areas where Water is
coming from, but also from a few areas where very
little Water is seen. Although visually
the comet is pretty homogeneous,
chemically it seems not. Water tends to be produced in
very variable
amounts related to the time of day and position on the comet, whereasCarbon Dioxide emission seems to be more constant. The ratio of CO2/H2O
is on average
about 7%. The thermal properties of the top dust layer
suggest up until now outgassing is
not coming from the harder sub
surface layer.The CONSERT talk was limited and the second one cancelled, presumably
because Philae
has not been located. The data is clear and of good
quality, but the only conclusion is that
the shape of the signal peak
indicates very little or no scattering from internal surfaces,
the comet is not currently made up of metre or two sized planetesimals,
but is a
continuous solid.Organics that have been identified include C2, C3, C4 compounds and
Benzene. Other
results indicate Amines, Benzoic Acids, Ketones and
Esters are probably present as well.
Dust particles from the comet are
larger than expected, but are very irregular,
conglomerates of very
loosely bound material which falls apart on contact. More solid grainshave been examined which although only micron size look like mini
comets, with planes,
pits and holes. They have also been seen to move
once trapped in the instrument. This
was explained as being their light
weight, but sublimating gas creating a frictionless layer
them likely helps.The surface layer at Agilkia was revealed in all it glory by the
ROLIS images. Hopefully those
images will be available here soon. This
was the most informative and revealing
presentation shown. Analysis was
done of the particle sizes and the surface seems to be
made of a sort
of pea gravel 1 or 2 cm in size with larger pieces of broken cryorock
in. Hollows and depressions around a metre in size along with
small ledges and elevation
changes in the 10s of cm range. Little tiny
landslides of little pebbles, but little sign of dust
except at the base
of the 5m Cryobolder close to the touchdown point. It would appear
the surface layer material is very much like a type of aerogel, it
holds it shape perfectly
until disturbed and then just disintegrates
into a fine powder. This is what was seen in
both MIDAS and COSIMA.
Unfortunately the dust measuring device on Philae has so far onlyregistered 1 confirmed hit.
The team seem even more confident that Philae will survive and be
able to do more
science. It is clear from these presentations that there
is lots of revealing data available,
there are vast amounts of it and
much of it requires some new algorithms and models to
especially the Philae data. An amazing job by everyone involved. I
should also
add that the speakers were way more entertaining and
interesting than many of the
others here.So most of what we learned in the presentations that were shown, had
already been
deduced by ourselves or explained by team members here and
this just added confirmation
that many peoples combined educated guesses
were right. The talks showing OSIRIS data
and explanations of the comet
morphology were not streamed and information from the
plasma and
magnetic field experiments were not shown. Hopefully some sort of
apology or
explanation from the ESA team will be forthcoming to explain
Philae’s view of âPerihelion Cliffâ at its final resting place on the comet’s surface. Credits: ESA/Rosetta/Philae/CIVAOg denne film Comet Watch
Nightsky 2014-12-23 19:06:20 23. december 2014 kl. 21:05 #126151
jens.jacobsenDeltager- Neutron star
Inspirerende lille film, med den tumlende komet.
Det fik mig til at tjekke hvornĂ„r kometen igen ville vĂŠre tilgĂŠngelig pĂ„ vores nathimmel, og det viser sig at i januar-februar 2016 vil det vĂŠre muligt at lave en lyskurve pĂ„ kometen. Derved kan vi jo selv se om kometen stadig tumler pĂ„ samme mĂ„de. Der skal nok en pĂŠn kikkert, f.eks en 12″ eller mere til, da kometen er mag 14 pĂ„ pĂ„gĂŠldende tidspunkt.
Nogen frivillige??
Jens13. juni 2015 kl. 20:14 #134091
lindhardDeltager- Super Nova
DsvĂŠrre kniber det tilsyneladende med at vĂŠkke Philae af frostdvalen selv om Sollyset nu er 10x stĂŠrkere end ved landingen.
Lindhard 2015-06-13 20:14:42
Lars14. juni 2015 kl. 15:14 #134103
norupDeltager- Super Giant
14. juni 2015 kl. 15:58 #134104
Torben TaustrupAdmin- Neutron star
Nu bliver det spĂŠndende at se, hvordan den vender – og om de kan lokalisere den.TOC Observatory - "http://tocobs.org -14.5âł â f:4,2 Newt - Atik383 - ZWO2600-mono â SXV H9 - QHY8L-color - SkyWatcher 80 mm ED refraktor - 60 mm F:6 apocromat - TAL Apolar 125 f : 7,5.
14. juni 2015 kl. 16:38 #134106
nightskyDeltager- Neutron star
“Philae is doing very well: It has an operating temperature of -35ÂșC and
has 24 Watts
available,” explains DLR Philae Project Manager Dr.
Stephan Ulamec. “The lander is ready
for operations.”
Sikke en god nyhed.
14. juni 2015 kl. 16:55 #134107
Torben TaustrupAdmin- Neutron star
“Philae phone home”
TOC Observatory - "http://tocobs.org -14.5âł â f:4,2 Newt - Atik383 - ZWO2600-mono â SXV H9 - QHY8L-color - SkyWatcher 80 mm ED refraktor - 60 mm F:6 apocromat - TAL Apolar 125 f : 7,5.
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