PANOSETI: det videnskabelige program

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  • #318957

      • Super Nova

      Panoramic optical and near-infrared SETI instrument: overall specifications and science program

      We present overall specifications and science goals for a new optical and near-infrared (350 – 1650 nm) instrument designed to greatly enlarge the current Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) phase space. The Pulsed All-sky Near-infrared Optical SETI (PANOSETI) observatory will be a dedicated SETI facility that aims to increase sky area searched, wavelengths covered, number of stellar systems observed, and duration of time monitored. This observatory will offer an “all-observable-sky” optical and wide-field near-infrared pulsed technosignature and astrophysical transient search that is capable of surveying the entire northern hemisphere. The final implemented experiment will search for transient pulsed signals occurring between nanosecond to second time scales. The optical component will cover a solid angle 2.5 million times larger than current SETI targeted searches, while also increasing dwell time per source by a factor of 10,000. The PANOSETI instrument will be the first near-infrared wide-field SETI program ever conducted. The rapid technological advance of fast-response optical and near-infrared detector arrays (i.e., Multi-Pixel Photon Counting; MPPC) make this program now feasible. The PANOSETI instrument design uses innovative domes that house 100 Fresnel lenses, which will search concurrently over 8,000 square degrees for transient signals (see Maire et al. and Cosens et al., this conference). In this paper, we describe the overall instrumental specifications and science objectives for PANOSETI.

      The past, present and future of SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence:

      Is there anybody out there?

      Jason DavisOctober 25, 2017

      About 2,000 years ago, just before the start of the Common Era, the Romans conquered Spain. The Roman Empire was powered by money, and the currency of the time was silver. Fortunately for the Romans, there were an ample number of silver mines in their new Spanish territory.

      It takes a lot of energy to smelt silver into coins, so the Romans cut down vast swaths of Spain’s forests to burn the wood for fuel. A byproduct of the smelting process is lead, which the Romans used for plumbing. For the first time, our species was engaged in large-scale industrial manufacturing—and also large-scale pollution. Signs of all this can be found in Greenland ice cores.

      Pete Worden is the executive director of Breakthrough Initiatives, which funds efforts to search for life beyond Earth. He recently told me Roman silver mining is arguably the first time humans’ impact on the planet was noticeable from outer space.

      “If you were sitting at a nearby star and had the ability to take a spectrum of the atmosphere, with technology that we can imagine in the next few decades, you would detect these things that are at least, from our understanding, clearly industrial pollutants,” he said.

      Simon Peter “Pete” Worden


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