Asilomar konferencen, som vedtog de nedenfor viste AI-principper, blev organiseret og ledet af den verdenskendte kosmolog Max Tegmark med finansiel støtte fra Elon Musk.
The Universes of Max Tegmark
If a machine can think, it might think more intelligently than we do, and then where should we be? Even if we could keep the machines in a subservient position… we should, as a species, feel greatly humbled. — Alan Turing, 1951.
The first ultraintelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make, provided that the machine is docile enough to tell us how to keep it under control. — Irving J. Good, 1965.
Oxford Dictionary definition: intelligence = the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
Max Tegmark: intelligence = ability to accomplish complex goals.
To classify different intelligences, a crucial distinction is that between narrow and broad intelligence.
As technology grows more powerful, we should rely less on the trial-and-error approach to safety engineering. In other words, we should become more proactive that reactive, investing in safety research aimed at preventing accidents from happening even once.
This is the reason why there was strong community interest in AI-safety research at the Puerto Rico conference. Computers and AI systems have always crashed, but this time is different: AI is gradually entering the real world, and it’s not merely a nuisance if it crashes the power grid, the stock market or a nuclear weapons system.
Max Tegmark: I want to introduce you to the four main areas of technical AI-safety research that are dominating the current AI-safety discussion and that are being pursued around the world: verification, validation, security and control.
Verification skal sikre, at programmet fuldt opfylder alle de formelle specifikationer.
Validation skal sikre, at programmet kan håndtere antagelser, som ikke altid er opfyldte. Hvordan håndterer det forkerte data?
Control skal sikre, at et menneske hurtigt og sikkert kan overvåge systemet og ændre dets opførsel, hvis det bliver nødvendigt.
Security sikrer mod ondartet software og angreb via sikkerhedshuller.
Man ser, at AI-software skal behandles på samme måde som kontrolsoftware for et atomkraftværk.