The onset of star formation 250 million years after the Big Bang
A fundamental quest of modern astronomy is to locate the earliest galaxies and study how they influenced the intergalactic medium a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. The abundance of star-forming galaxies is known to decline from redshifts of about 6 to 10, but a key question is the extent of star formation at even earlier times, corresponding to the period when the first galaxies might have emerged. Here we report spectroscopic observations of , a gravitationally lensed galaxy observed when the Universe was less than four per cent of its present age. We detect an emission line of doubly ionized oxygen at a redshift of 9.1096 ± 0.0006, with an uncertainty of one standard deviation. This precisely determined redshift indicates that the red rest-frame optical colour arises from a dominant stellar component that formed about 250 million years after the Big Bang, corresponding to a redshift of about 15. Our results indicate that it may be possible to detect such early episodes of star formation in similar galaxies with future telescopes.
Denne artikel beretter om spektroskopiske observationer af en gravitationelt forstørret galakse med emission fra dobbeltioniseret oxygen. Rødforskydningen blev målt til z = 9.1096 ± 0.0006. Disse observationer viser, at lyset stammer fra stjerner dannet ca. 250 millioner år efter Big Bang, svarende til en rødforskydning af omkring z = 15. Dette er interessant, da den meget omtalte globale 21-cm absorption fra neutralt hydrogen har rødforskydningen z = 17. Fremtidens teleskoper bliver måske i stand til at observere nogle af de galakser, som var årsagen til den globale 21-cm absorption.