Mike Lockwood har opdateret denne omkring re-coating. Der er åbenbart mange som går
lige rigeligt hårdt til værks når den gamle coating skal fjernes.
Denne her bemærkning er nok værd at tænke på i forhold, lad være med at vente for længe:
LCO uses Ferric Chloride or a Green River solution for safe coating stripping. This is yet
another reason that coatings should not be allowed to degrade too long, since this
makes them even more difficult to strip, which may encourage some to get out the really
nasty chemicals.
Et par highlights:
I do NOT mean go on Cloudy Nights (og vel sagtens andre fora) and ask. People there tend to
promote their “favorite” coater only, often with few reasons to back it up…..
Nightsky2014-10-27 21:36:11