- Dette emne har 7 svar og 4 stemmer, og blev senest opdateret for 15 år, 5 måneder siden af ksondergard. This post has been viewed 542 times
6. oktober 2008 kl. 20:40 #1937
starlimo- Moon
er der nogen der ved om det er muligt at obsevere denne begivenhed fra Danmark?
Fra Astrolist“Nu ved jeg ikke lige hvor nervøst anlagt nogle af jer på listen er, men det her kan godt koste noget nattesøvn! En meget lille jordkrydsende asteroide ser ud til at ramme Jorden i nat omkring kl. 4:34 dansk sommer tid. Den bliver omtalt som en ”kraftig bolide”. De morgenfriske skal kikke mod sydvest; azimuth 46 grader altitude 48 grader Reiner Stoss skrev kl.19:26″Mvh PerOPDATERETKl. skriver Andrea Milani:Today the object with the provisional designation 8TA9D69 was submitted to impact monitoring by using the normal software of the NEODyS system, by using the observations as reported by the MPC on the NEO Confirmation Page.
Object: 8TA9D69
Unit is one Earth radius, but impact cross section has radius between 2.02 and 2.02 Earth radii The probability of impact is, according to different computations done in slightly different ways, between 99.8% and 100%; in practice the impact can be considered sure and is for tonight. Our computation has already been confirmed independently by others, including the JPL NEO group (with which we consult in all relevant cases of possible impact). The other important result is that the confidence ellipse for the arrival of this object on the atmosphere is very small, thus it is possible to predict this atmospheric entry point within tens of kilometers. Unfortunately we are not equipped to do this computation on short notice, but others are doing this (some already have). The effect of this atmospheric impact will be the release, in either a single shot or maybe a sequence of explosions, of about 1 kiloton of energy. This means that the damage on the ground is expected to be zero. The location of these explosions is not easy to predict due to the atmospheric braking effects. The only concern is that they might be interpreted as something else, that is man-made explosions. Thus in this case, the earlier the public worldwide is aware that this is a natural phenomenon, which involves no risk, the better.
The NEODys team Andrea Milani, Maria Eugenia Sansaturio, Fabrizio Bernardi, Giovanni B. Valsecchi
starlimo 2008-10-06 21:17:24 6. oktober 2008 kl. 23:01 #1946
Lars MalmgrenDeltager- Super Nova
Uha uha !
Spaceweather skriver også om det.
http://www.spaceweather.com/Den opgivne position skulle være lige ved siden af Dubhe i Karlsvognen…
Kan det passe ?
6. oktober 2008 kl. 23:09 #1947
Lars MalmgrenDeltager- Super Nova
Kim Lang skriver på astro-mail listen >>
(med NEO
betegnelsen 8TA9DA69) er nu beregnet til at træde ind i Jordens atmosfære over
21:21 :
My software
predicts the impact in the area of
Northern Sudan
33° E, 21° N)——————————————–
Så vi kan vist godt blive i sengen i nat!
7. oktober 2008 kl. 08:46 #1959
rigoDeltager- Super Nova
hva! så ??? skete der noget
7. oktober 2008 kl. 08:47 #1960
rigoDeltager- Super Nova
ASTEROID IMPACT: If predictions were correct, asteroid 2008 TC3 hit Earth this morning (Oct. 7th at 0246 UT), exploding in the atmosphere over northern Sudan like a kiloton of TNT and creating a fireball as bright as a full Moon. Most of the 3-meter-wide asteroid would have vaporized in the atmosphere with only small pieces possibly reaching the ground as meteorites.
The following potentially confirming report comes from Jacob Kuiper, General Aviation meteorologist at the National Weather Service in the Netherlands: “Half an hour before the predicted impact of asteroid 2008 TC3, I informed an official of Air-France-KLM at Amsterdam airport about the possibility that crews of their airliners in the vicinity of impact would have a chance to see a fireball. And it was a success! I have received confirmation that a KLM airliner, roughly 750 nautical miles southwest of the predicted atmospheric impact position, has observed a short flash just before the expected impact time 0246 UTC. Because of the distance it was not a very large phenomenon, but still a confirmation that some bright meteor has been seen in the predicted direction. Projected on an infrared satellite-image of Meteosat-7 of 0300 UTC, I have indicated the position of the plane (+) and the predicted impact area in Sudan (0).”
2008 TC3 was discovered on Oct. 6th by astronomers using the Mt. Lemmon telescope in Arizona as part of the NASA-funded Catalina Sky Survey for near-Earth objects. Asteroids the size of 2008 TC3 hit Earth every few months, but this is the first time one has been discovered before it hit.
pre-impact images: from Eric Allen of Observatoire du Cegep de Trois-Rivieres, Champlain, Québec; from Ernesto Guido et al. of Remanzacco Observatory, Italy
7. oktober 2008 kl. 08:56 #1961
rigoDeltager- Super Nova
Near-Earth Asteroids Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) are space rocks larger than approximately 100m that can come closer to Earth than 0.05 AU. None of the known PHAs is on a collision course with our planet, although astronomers are finding new ones all the time. On October 7, 2008 , there were 988 potentially hazardous asteroids.Oct. 2008 Earth-asteroid encounters:Asteroid Date(UT)Miss Distance Mag.Size2008 QS11 Oct. 211 LD14470 m2008 SH148 Oct. 45.8 LD1926 m2005 GN59 Oct. 620 LD151.4 km2008 TZ Oct. 105.3 LD1837 m1999 VP11 Oct. 1672 LD17860 m2001 UY4 Oct. 1874 LD171.1 km2000 EX106 Oct. 2369 LD181.1 km2005 VN Oct. 294.1 LD15116 m4179 Toutatis Nov. 920 LD143.8 kmNotes: LD means “Lunar Distance.” 1 LD = 384,401 km, the distance between Earth and the Moon. 1 LD also equals 0.00256 AU. MAG is the visual magnitude of the asteroid on the date of closest approach.
7. oktober 2008 kl. 11:15 #1968
ksondergardDeltager- Giant
Ser godt ud med listen over dit udstyr, men din montering mangler da??? er du flov over din EQ6 Pro?????
7. oktober 2008 kl. 11:17 #1969
ksondergardDeltager- Giant
ØØhhh nu skal jeg sgu finde mine briller, HIK!
Beklager , mine øjne læste forkert! HIK! -
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