Jupiters udvikling med en oprindelig sammensætningsgradient.

Fora ASTRO-FORUM NYT FRA VIDENSKABEN Jupiters udvikling med en oprindelig sammensætningsgradient.

  • Dette emne har 1 svar og 1 stemme, og blev senest opdateret for 6 år, 1 måned siden af Bjarne. This post has been viewed 490 times
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  • #316077

      • Super Nova

      Jupiter’s evolution with primordial composition gradients

      Recent formation and structure models of Jupiter suggest that the planet can have composition gradients and not be fully convective (adiabatic). This possibility directly affects our understanding of Jupiter’s bulk composition and origin. In this Letter we present Jupiter’s evolution with a primordial structure consisting of a relatively steep heavy-element gradient of 40 Earth masses. We show that for a primordial structure with composition gradients, most of the mixing occurs in the outer part of the gradient during the early evolution (several 107 years), leading to an adiabatic outer envelope (60% of Jupiter’s mass). We find that the composition gradient in the deep interior persists, suggesting that about 40% of Jupiter’s mass can be non-adiabatic with a higher temperature than the one derived from Jupiter’s atmospheric properties. The region that can potentially develop layered-convection in Jupiter today is estimated to be limited to about 10% of the mass.



        • Super Nova

        Normalt vil en temperaturgradient over den adiabatiske medføre konvektion og opblanding. Denne konvektion kan dog undertrykkes af en kraftig gradient i molekylvægten forårsaget af en kraftig gradient i sammensætningen.


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