Hutech IDAS P2


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  • #106575

      • Main Sequence

      Jeg har set lidt positiv omtale af Hutech’s IDAS P2 Light Pollution Suppression Filer.

      Er der nogen, der har erfaring med det?

      Jeg bruger Canon 40D og Skywatcher ED80. Jeg har tålelige lysforhold med limiting magnitude på mellem 4 og 5, men vil gerne forbedre mit system lidt. Er IDAS P2 (eller et andet filter) en god plan? Jeg har mest fotograferet galakser, men planlæger også at prøve stjernehobe og M27 og M57.




        • Super Nova

        Jeg har ingen erfaring men jeg ser at flere anbefaler det. Samir Kharusi er en som “forsker” mye på astrofoto med DSLR og hans tips er:

        My advice to all contemplating purchasing astro filters, placed in order of purchasing priority:

        1. For VisLimMag 4.5 or better (less light pollution):

        Hutech LPS-P2 or Astronomik CLS (one or the other, not both). If
        your sky trends darker than VisLimMag 4.5 then go for the LPS-P2, if it
        trends occasionally brighter than VisLimMag 4.5, then go for the CLS.
        You can measure your skyfog easily following the instructions here.

        For VisLimMag 4 or worse(more light pollution)

        Astronomik UHC (your modded DSLR should have a rectangular passband
        UV/IR Blocker somewhere in the optical train). Note that while the
        LPS-P2 does give a very good white balance, neither the CLS nor the UHC
        gives a good white balance, but that’s what you pay for cutting down on
        the light pollution.

        2. Astronomik 6nm Ha

        3. Astronomik OIII clip. Even though it is rather wide at 13nm, the
        clip convenience makes this the preferred choice until somebody else
        offers a narrower filter that can also go inside the DSLR. But get the
        narrower Baader 8nm OIII if you are buying a 2″ version.

        You may buy one each from 1, 2, and 3 in one go, or one step at a
        time depending on how thriftily you wish to go. I am advising from
        actual field experience comparing numerous filters, so you are not going
        in blind like I did initially. Gain from my wasted $ Cry


          • Nova

          Hej Martin

          Jeg benytter et Hutech’s IDAS P2 når jeg skal fotografere med DSLR fra min baghave her i Frederikshavn.

          Uden IDAS P2 filtret ville det ikke være muligt pga. massiv lysforurening.

          Jeg har prøvet med Baaders UHC-S filter også, men IDAS P2-filtret giver efter min mening det bedste resultat.
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