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28. april 2013 kl. 12:46 #102317
BjarneModerator- Super Nova
Personer med tilknytning til Warkauden Kassiopeia:
rapporterer observationer af en ny klar GRB (gammaglimt) med observatoriet T11 på
netværket af observatorier. De rapporterer her observationerneTITLE: GCN CIRCULAR
NUMBER: 14457
SUBJECT: GRB 130427A: iTelescope T11 optical observations
DATE: 13/04/27 12:26:03 GMT
FROM: Veli-Pekka Hentunen at Taurus Hill Obs,A95 <veli-pekka.hentunen@kassiopeia.net>
Veli-Pekka Hentunen, Markku Nissinen and Tuomo Salmi (Taurus Hill
Observatory, Varkaus, Finland) report:
We have detected GRB 130427A optical afterglow at iTelescope
observatory T11 (Mayhill, New Mexico) 0.50-m/6.8 astrograph and FLI
ProLine PL11002M CCD. Three unfiltered and three photometric V filter
images with 120 sec exposure time were made.
The afterglow was detected at following position RA 11:32:32.83
and DEC +27:41:56.4
The following magnitudes were obtained from the observations using
NOMAD1 1176-0248446 (R=13.520, V=13.120) as the comparison:
Tmid(sec)+T0 Filter Exp. time Mag Mag err.
4597 unfiltered 120 15.02CR 0.04
4743 unfiltered 120 15.09CR 0.05
4887 unfiltered 120 15.11CR 0.05
5438 V 120 14.89V 0.04
5582 V 120 14.89V 0.04
5726 V 120 14.86V 0.04
28. april 2013 kl. 18:36 #102333
BjarneModerator- Super Nova
Ny udvikling: Los Alamos National Laboratory detekterede
gammaglimtet GRB 130427A 50.2s før Swift rapporterede røntgenstrålingen!
R-magnituden var ca R = 7.4 (det betaler sig at være hurtig):
NUMBER: 14476
SUBJECT: GRB 130427A: RAPTOR Bright Counterpart Before Swift Trigger
DATE: 13/04/28 00:12:42 GMT
FROM: James Wren at LANL <jwren@nis.lanl.gov>
J. Wren, W.T. Vestrand, P. Wozniak, and H. Davis,
of Los Alamos National Laboratory report:
Three RAPTOR full-sky persistent monitors at Maui, HI, and Los Alamos, NM,
independently detected bright optical emission at the location of the
Swift trigger 554620 (Maselli, et al., GCN 14448). Starting at 07:47:07.28
UT (50.2 seconds before the Swift trigger) we detect a brightening counterpart
which peaks at magnitude R~7.4. After the peak, the source fades to below
10th magnitude at approximately the Swift trigger time. The unfiltered images
from all three monitors are calibrated to the Tycho-2 V-band catalog.
Rødforskydningen er blevet målt af X-shooter på VLT til at være
z=0.3399 ± 0.0002
NUMBER: 14491
SUBJECT: GRB 130427A: VLT/X-shooter redshift confirmation
DATE: 13/04/28 15:05:53 GMT
FROM: Hector Flores at Obs.de Paris,Meudon <hector.flores@obspm.fr>
GRB 130427A: VLT/X-shooter redshift confirmation
H. Flores (Obs. de Paris), S. Covino (INAF), D. Xu, T. Kruehler,
J. Fynbo, B. Milvang-Jensen(DARK/NBI), A. de Ugarte Postigo (IAA-CSIC,
DARK/NBI), L. Kaper (UVA) and K. Wiersema (U. Leicester) report on behalf
of the X-shooter GRB collaboration:
VLT/X-shooter observed the afterglow of GRB 130427A (Maselli et al.,
GCN 14448; Elenin et al., GCN 14450), starting on 2013-04-28 at UT
00:23. The observation consisted of 2x600s exposures.
In the spectra we detect the continuum in the complete range from 3000
to 24800 A. We find several absorption features including FeII, MnII,
MgII, MgI, TiII, CaII, NaI, and emission lines such as H-alpha,
H-beta, [OIII], and [OII], all at a common redshift of z=0.3399 ± 0.0002,
consistent with the measurement in Levan et al. (GCN 14455) and
Xu et al. (GCN 14478). -
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