Her er copy & paste info. fra astrobin web site. Mvh. Niels
AstroBin Premium subscription plans
You can use AstroBin for free up to 10 images. After that you can upgrade to Lite if you have a limited yearly output, or Premium for a limitless experience. Paying members will not see ads, and everybody, including non-paying members, have access to all social features of AstroBin.
As a user of AstroBin Free, you may have up to 10 images at the same time. You can delete some images to make room for new ones, if you want. For instance you can maintain a window of your latest 10 images, or your best ones.
As a user of AstroBin Lite, instead, you may have up to 12 images at the same time, per each year of your membership. You may replace images uploaded within the current subsciption period while images uploaded prior to that can only be deleted. Every year that you renew your membership, you get 12 new image credits.
As a user of AstroBin Premium, instead, there are no limitations whatsoever in the number of images you can upload.
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