Discovery of the multi-messenger gamma-ray counterpart of the IceCube neutrino signal
A signal of high-energy extraterrestrial neutrinos from unknown source(s) was recently discovered by the IceCube experiment. Neutrinos are always produced together with gamma-rays, but the gamma-ray flux from extragalactic sources is suppressed due to attenuation in the intergalactic medium. We report the discovery of the multi-TeV gamma-ray counterpart of the IceCube neutrino signal in the form of high Galactic latitude diffuse emission observed by the Fermi telescope. The detection of the gamma-ray counterpart suggests that a sizable part of the neutrino flux originates from the Milky Way. The diffuse multi-messenger (neutrino and gamma-ray) signal at high Galactic latitudes could originate either from previously unknown nearby cosmic ray “PeVatron” source(s) or from decays of heavy dark matter particles.
Højenergetiske neutrinoer opdaget med IceCube eksperimentet er blevet identificeret med diffuse gammastråler observeret med Fermi teleskopet.
IceCube Neutrino Observatory