Experiment to Detect the Global EoR Signature (EDGES)

Fora ASTRO-FORUM TEKNIK – TILBEHØR Experiment to Detect the Global EoR Signature (EDGES)

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  • #316689

      • Super Nova

      Experiment to Detect the Global EoR Signature (EDGES)

      The Experiment to Detect the Global EoR Signature (EDGES) is a collaboration between ASU and MIT, with funding from the U.S. NSF and site support from the Australian CSIRO. The project aims to detect the global (all-sky) 21 cm signal through observations with individual dipole antennas. EDGES is located at the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory (MRO) in Western Australia (-26.7148, 116.6044), which is the same site used by Australian SKA Precursor (ASKAP), the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), and the future SKA Low-Frequency Aperture Array (LFAA). This location was chosen due to its radio-quiet conditions below 200 MHz. The experiment consists of two instruments: 1) a high-band instrument sensitive to 100-200 MHz, and 2) a low-band instrument sensitive to 50-100 MHz. The instruments are nearly identical except for their antennas and ground planes, which are scaled copies.

      Her er en teknisk beskrivelse af af det rarioudstyr, som har detekteret 21-cm absorption i den kosmiske mikrobølgebaggrundsstråling ved 78 MHz.

      EDGES = Experiment to Detect the Global EoR Signature.

      EoR = Epoch of Reionization

      Epoch of Reionization


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