Dannelsen af en magnetisk neutronstjerne som en neutrinoraket

Fora ASTRO-FORUM NYT FRA VIDENSKABEN Dannelsen af en magnetisk neutronstjerne som en neutrinoraket


  • Dette emne har 0 svar og 1 stemme, og blev senest opdateret for 6 år, 1 måned siden af Bjarne. This post has been viewed 500 times
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  • Forfatter
  • #315932

      • Super Nova

      Kicks of magnetized strange quark stars induced by anisotropic emission of neutrinos

      We study the anisotropic neutrino emission from the core of neutron stars induced by the star’s magnetic field. We model the core as made out of a magnetized ideal gas of strange quark matter and implement the conditions for stellar equilibrium in this environment. The calculation is performed without resorting to analytical simplifications and for temperature, density and magnetic field values corresponding to typical conditions for a neutron star’s evolution. The anisotropic neutrino emission produces a rocket effect that contributes to the star’s kick velocity. We find that the computed values for the kick velocity lie within the range of the observed values, reaching velocities of the order of ∼1000 km/s for magnetic fields between 1015-1018 G and radii of 20 to 5 km, respectively.

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