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B1.0 ID: 1280-0488001
infos from Guide software :
USNO B1.0 star
B1.0 ID: 1280-0488001
RA: 20h15m21.47s +/- 133 milliarcseconds
declination: +38 02′ 44.2″ +/- 0 milliarcseconds
Epoch: 1971.1
Proper motion in RA: 0 +/- 0 milliarcseconds/year
Proper motion in dec: 0 +/- 0 milliarcseconds/year
muPM: 0
fitRA: 1
fitDec: 0
nDet: 2
Flags: …
!Band mag Cal Survey Emulsi field S/G xi eta
B1: 18.12 2 POSS-I 103a-O 284 0 -0.14 -0.01
B2: 18.50 1 POSS-II IIIa-J 340 3 0.13 0.00
“Cal” = calibration: 0 means calibrated via bright standard stars on
the plate; 1 = via faint standards on the plate; 2 = faint standards on
adjacent plate; 3 = faint standards two plates away, etc.
“S/G” = star/galaxy index. 11=object looked starlike, to 0=fuzzy/galaxy-like.
xi, eta = displacement of the star’s position on this plate, in
arcseconds, relative to the mean solution.
This USNO-B1.0 data was downloaded from a VizieR server. Downloaded
data accumulates; you can click here to delete the accumulated data.
(You can always reload the data later, if desired.)
IMAGE : 2MASS ALADIN SDSS//xhttp://cas.sdss.org/dr5/en/tools/explore/obj.asp?ra=303.83946&dec=+
among the data downloaded from SDSS website, you can reach V (visual magnitude)
and B-V color index using the formulae:
V = r’ + [0.44 * (g’ – r’)] – 0.02, good about +/- 0.05V
B-V = 1.04(g’ – r’) + 0.19, good to about 0.1 B-V.
(for B, R, and I magnitudes see Photometric bands)
Nightsky2008-09-27 04:40:38