CI Cam kraftigt udbrud i det optiske område

Fora SEKTIONER I ASTRONOMISK SELSKAB Sektionen for variable stjerner CI Cam kraftigt udbrud i det optiske område

  • Dette emne har 2 svar og 1 stemme, og blev senest opdateret for 7 år, 4 måneder siden af nightsky. This post has been viewed 295 times
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  • #152753

      • Neutron star

      Denne er netop dukket op på Atel #9634

      Dette meget spændende binær system er i udbrud. Alle emissionslinjer er kraftigt stigende og
      H-alpha er målt til 80 gange mere end normalt flux.

      Den dejligt fint i Danmark, så hvis vejret eller vil arte sig er det en oplagt kandidat til
      spektroskopi og fotometri.

      We report a very strong
      optical outburst of the B[e]/transient X-ray system CI Cam/XTE J0421+560.

      2016 Oct 09.064 we measured H alpha at 80 times the continuum flux level,
      similar to the
      previous reported outbursts in 1998 (Hynes et al., 2002) and 2005
      (Yan et al., 2007). Our
      spectroscopic observations ranging from 3800 – 8900 A
      (Mercator/HERMES, La Palma) from 09- 15
      October show a daily increase in the
      strength of nearly all emission lines with the notable exception
      of [NII] 5755.

      Further multi-wavelength observations are strongly encouraged as the outburst
      closely resembles
      the spectacular outburst in 1998 over the complete wavelength
      range from gamma-ray to radio.
      At that epoch the X-ray flux reached a peak
      intensity of almost 2 crab, within a day after the onset
      (D. Smith et al.,
      1998). In 2005 the peak brightness reached V = 11.2 after which it rapidly
      in a few months to V = 11.8.

      Now the highly disputed distance to CI Cam is settled by GAIA at 1.4 (+0.7
      -0.4) kpc, we note that
      CI Cam is unlikely a supergiant. This confirms the
      earlier designation as B4 III-V[e] for the optical
      star with an accreting white
      dwarf companion as suggested by Barsukova et al. (2006). The likely
      would be a thermonuclear runaway of accreted matter on the surface of the white
      like in a nova outburst (Ishida et al., 2004).


        • Neutron star

          • Neutron star

          En måling på Ci Cam her til aften giver

          T (JD) 2457686.33016 11.436 V mag

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