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Der står bl.a:
You are entirely correct that errors exist (unfortunately!) on many of the AAVSO charts, both new and old ones. One must remember that the charts have been prepared over a period of about fifty (50) years by at least ten (10) different workers. Some were much more careful than others, and some were much better draftsmen than others. The job of correcting all the charts to a single standard base magnitude for comparison stars is surely a job which can never be done. The best we can do at this point, is to correct inconsistencies on each chart, and this is something we are trying to do-at least on all the new preliminary charts. In other words, we are constantly revising charts, even though it appears to be an endless task. (Ford 1973)
Så der er altså stadig kort med fejl her i 2015.
PS! Det jeg skulle se efter var den variable stjerne Mis V0166 som er med i området hvor Rudi’s variable stjerne ( IRAS 19597+2258), som er markeret i midten af billedet ligger. Har tænkt mig at følge Rudi’s stjerne, og har pt. tre optagelser.